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Brandon Khoo

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Re: Introductions :: Who Are You?
September 23, 2007, 08:17:17 PM
whoa, that one is beyond my ability!
We have a couple of members who do know that area. Perhaps if you post a specific thread on the topic on the GT Expeditions forum
If it swims; I want to catch it!


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Re: Introductions :: Who Are You?
September 23, 2007, 08:57:17 PM
I have just done that thanks!!

Darran Davis

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Re: Introductions :: Who Are You?
September 25, 2007, 01:51:54 AM
Hi I am Darran Davis I live in India and fish most of my time in the Andaman Islands, I have been browsing this forum for a few weeks now and Luke you have a great forum, congratulations. There is plenty of great info here and its great to see what people in other parts of the world do.
I started fishing for GT in 2004-05 and from then on its been pure addiction, I have fished for over 17 years in India and have caught most of the species from Mahseer, Snakehead right through to GT, YFT and Sail, Marlin still eludes me though ;D ;D

I look forward to more threads on this forum.



Angus Hulme

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Re: Introductions :: Who Are You?
October 18, 2007, 03:03:00 PM
g'day fellow GT botherers,

I have lobbed in here after becoming quite a fan of chasing GTs (particularly on home made poppers). I am very much a novice in the noble art of GT popping, by I can sense from reading through some of the posts on this forum that you guys probably have lots of advice for newbies like me up your collective piscatorial sleeves.

I live in Brisbane, QLD, and most of my fishing takes place on the Gold Coast, occasionally Moreton Bay, and I also make an annual pilgrammage to the Whitsunday region, in search of pelagics, reef fish and the angling holy grail, big GTs!

I have only caught 2 GT's that I'd class as big....(to me that's over 10 kgs :-\) but you blokes probably would think these are mere pups compared to the brutes you seem to routinely catch in various far-flung exotic locales.  ;)

Anyway, just saying g'day, and that I'll drop in from time to time to throw GT-related questions at you.

Angus Hulme

Luke Wyrsta

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Re: Introductions :: Who Are You?
October 23, 2007, 08:32:24 PM
Welcome to the forum mate. Nice G's ;D

Sam Walker

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Re: Introductions :: Who Are You?
November 30, 2007, 12:28:30 PM
G'DAY !! this is Sam Walker saying hi I've just joined your forum ! Some fascinating reading here. I'm from WA but now live in Nhulunbuy (NT)  where there are a few GT's to be found. Casting lures is my favourite form of fishing, ever since I saw a bloke using a Halco Twisty to C+R tailor one after the other. I gave away the blocks of Mulies(pillies) and the white bucket and it's just got better from there. A couple of years ago I got the opportunity to move my family here to a place with awesome fishing close to home.
I also like rodbuilding and recently finished a Calstar GF700M which is paired up with a Saltiga Blast. A bit light for really serious GT work it seems from reading this forum but I should be able to have some fun with it !
I've recently got a tinny and will be looking for some critters to give the new outfit a good workout. My previous favourite outfit is a Freams Kix/Prograph 4 which I have landed plenty of Queenies with, a few little GT's (3-4kg) and lost a few poppers to some bigger GT's ( got smashed and smoked !!) I've also enjoyed a great opportunity to be part of a team in some billfishing comps and have boated a Sail and a small Black.
My fave lure is metal slices with poppers (Halco Roostas) a close second. I've just got an Ulua 60 Stickbait to try out too. 
Looking forward to learning some good stuff here...maybe converting to poppers as my favourite lure 8)
something clever and witty !

Tim Mitsopoulos

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Re: Introductions :: Who Are You?
December 07, 2007, 05:34:10 PM
Hi guys.
My name is Tim Mitsopoulos and i'm from Melbourne .
My main stay of fishing is for Snapper ( what else down here ) and whiting ,and the largest fish i have caught is a 7 kg snapper.
Never fished inter state and have dreamed about catching GT's and other reef species with poppers and jigging.
Next year will be my first trip interstate on a Mothership to the MonteBellos in WA and am currently sorting out all the tackle i will need ( the wife hasn't seen the prices yet   ;D.)
Anyway forum seems great with alot of knowledgable   people so i hope to get all the help i can get.               

Zac Chilvers

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Re: Introductions :: Who Are You?
December 08, 2007, 12:17:20 PM
Hi Guys
My name is Zac Chilvers and I'm from Dampier in the nor-west of WA 1600km north of Perth. I have been looking at this site for a few months it is a great site well done Luke and it has a great deal of helpful info from all the forum members. I first saw Hal and Stages fish for GT's when they came up for a wangler weekend up here staying at the shacks and was blown away and got the bug from then. Biggest GT to date would be only about 20kgs. Also get into jigging for all species from pelagics to demersals and chasing sails and marlin when in season.

Cheers Zac

Jeen Raj

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Re: Introductions :: Who Are You?
January 05, 2008, 09:25:12 PM
Hi Guys,

The Name is Jeen. I am from India and live in the UAE ( thats Abu Dhabi) . I have been fishing since age five and am now 50!. Got into popping a couple of years ago and fished Maldives, India, Oman for GT and many rivers for fresh water game like the Masheer, Snake head, Mulleys and trout.
Personal best GT 141 cms  dont have a weight on it and still searching for the 50Kg.
Weekends mostly spent chasing King Makerel , Queen fish and Golden Trevallies of which we have plenty  here in the Persian Gulf .



Luke Wyrsta

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Re: Introductions :: Who Are You?
January 06, 2008, 01:09:40 PM
Welcome Jeen!

Jon Jarvis

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Re: Introductions :: Who Are You?
January 07, 2008, 09:20:53 PM
Jon here. Also known as Dodgy elsewhere. Spent the last few years in Darwin after growing up in WA. Mostly a jig fisherman but enjoy all styles. Tend to quickly move whenever we get into GT's though. Guess we dont appreciate them as much as some.

Just about to spend the next couple of months on a fishing holiday back down the west coast with particular focus on the Pilbara area. Will be concentrating on filming the fly fishing but hopefully find time for Jigging and a little Popping.

Jay Burgess

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Re: Introductions :: Who Are You?
January 07, 2008, 11:39:31 PM
G'day Dodgy send me a PM if you're going to be around Karratha perhaps we could catch up for a beer and a fish. When are you going to be down this way? You bringing your own boat?

Jon Jarvis

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Re: Introductions :: Who Are You?
January 08, 2008, 10:36:24 AM
Sounds good Jay. Will be concentrating mostly on the Hedland area. Got the use of Mullakings 6.6 Traily and another mates little Haines there. Do have a rellie to catch in Karratha for a fish so might give you a call if Im there for a few days.

chris leishman

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Re: Introductions :: Who Are You?
January 09, 2008, 10:36:18 PM
Chris here - based in Cairns - have fished the Cairns area for the last 20 years and spent 8 years working at Erksines Tackle in the early 90's.  Fav form of fishing is popper fishing out at the reef - happy to say that i had great teacher - fishing and working for Barry Cross of Down Under Sport Fishing in the early days while not working in the shop and on uni holidays.

Now spend the majority of spare time fishing the local Cairns reefs either casting lures or fishing standup 50lb & 80lb for big fish.

Luke - interesting forum - nice to see that there are a few locals in the Cairns area catching some good quality fish.

Steve Carruthers

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Re: Introductions :: Who Are You?
January 10, 2008, 03:30:06 PM
Howdy guys, i live at Port Stephens and fish most weekends from Broughton island to Seal Rocks in my 5.8m platey. Mostly chasing snapper, kings and mulloway etc with plastics, deep jigs and liveys. I've spent a lot of time fishing cape york and the gulf and am dead keen to do some purpose GT hunting trips plus try some top water stuff on the local fish as well.
It's just coming up to our game fishing season here and I plan on throwing stickbaits at everything that comes up for a look. Should be interesting/expensive  ;D Will let you know how that is going through the season.
Thanks for all the great info here guys and I hope to contribute whatever my small brain will allow.
Bye, Steve.