Hi All
This is an area of great interest to me...
I would not class myself as an expert in this feild, but I am a qualified trainer and did work in the fitness feild for a few years.
It's great to hear that so many of you guys give thought to preparing your bodies for the rigors of jigging/popping... this stuff is a little more taxing on your body than casting SP's at bream!

Fitness is a broad topic (bit like when you first learnt to fish), if I can help in anyway whatsoever... please feel free to ask.
There are a few areas that I'll just touch on that everyone should be mindful of...
Specificity - Training for something specific. For example, if you are a swimmer, you will train for swimming... it's no different for a fisherman... or even more specific
GT fisherman . Sure everyone wants to be fit and looking good, but pay special attention to exercises and movements that will give the right areas of your body the strength to carry out the task.
Rotator cuffs - As you age, they get thin out and get weaker... it's that simple! If you tear one, you can be out of action for 6 - 24 months (sorry Andy

) Everyone can help prevent this by strengthening them and the surrounding shoulder muscles with the correct exercises.
Make it count - Make every exercise count! I know way too many people that go to the gym almost daily and get very little benefit from what they're doing. Whether you're doing cardio or strength work... do it like you mean it and keep challenging yourself.