Aaron - Thanks for the comments mate... it truly was a trip of dreams,....
In response to your questions - Yes, all fishing is a site casting affair... its all wading based so you are always seeing the fish before making your cast... On my trip we used no teasers or burly at all.... non was needed... as said all fishing was done whilst wading.... We were one of the first groups to fish Cosmoledo atoll in an organised group, so we were fishing very much virgin waters, and to fish that had not seen a lure or a human... my biggest GT ate the fly 10ft from my rod tip, ran 30 metres and spat the fly out, only to then turn around and hammer the fly again.... this happened on numerous fish... CRAZY! It was an unreal adventure....
The area sees more fishing pressure now and the guides now do make use of teasing rods with hookless poppers on the flats to draw GT's in at times, but its not always needed...
My dream is to go back, if I could ever afford it, with decent jigging and popping gear, as well as a small spinning outfit for the huge numbers of Bonefish ( 40 plus fish sessions in 3 hours...and BIG too...we were getting busted off on straight 60lb leaders and 6/0 clousers fished on 12 weights by ENORMOUS Bones..), snappers, emperors, bluefin trevs, and all manner of other species, with the heavy popping gear for the big GT's and barracudas, and then the jigging set up for fishing the reef passes and drop offs for Doggies, coral trout, snappers and yellowfin......
The fish tailing in the background are Parrotfish of some kind, I can't remember which ones.... but the Castaways boys have figured out how to catch Humphead Parrotfish on Fly now..... up to 40lbs.... Crazy buggers...
Definetly a place I have to visit again....