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GT Strength & Endurance Conditioning
December 02, 2008, 06:50:50 PM
Hi guys,

I wanted to start this topic to build up a good resource of GT strength and endurance conditioning info.

Being strong but also having good endurance is vital in GT fishing.

Please add any of your thoughts. I will be compiling a list with diagrams of appropriate exercises and techniques to train for your GT showdown...

Kenny Tan

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Re: GT Strength & Endurance Conditioning
December 02, 2008, 07:02:36 PM
I normally start hitting the irons and threadmill 2-3 months to build up my stamina and strength before a popping and jigging trip. Back muscle is important to me, if my back cannot take the strain. There goes the fish!  ;D

And I am already doing so for my trip in Feb 09.  ;D

Nathan Cefai

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Re: GT Strength & Endurance Conditioning
December 02, 2008, 07:44:05 PM
Workin the lower back for the person who is into the dead stiff broom sticks such as rods 8ft in length and PE 8-12...Arm strength is also a must..

I generally go for a run and work on my back muscles and arm strngth to hol on to that 70kegge one day!!!

Colin P

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Re: GT Strength & Endurance Conditioning
December 02, 2008, 08:33:42 PM
I had long had trouble raising both arms above shoulder height (fell off a ladder onto concrete some years ago - but you compensate right?!). Took the precaution of visiting a local sports physio several weeks before my first GT trip and she found deep seated muscle injuries in both shoulders, left bicep and right elbow joint. :o By found, I mean she dug her thumbs in and when I felt like screaming she had found!! :(

She gave me some exercises to do (with light weights) alongside her agonising physio sessions. Result - 6 weeks later I had full mobility in both arms/shoulders and, when I went fishing, I was able to cast & pop and play & land GT to 35kg. :)

I've attached a pic of the exercises I do (3 sets of 10 of each exercise, 4 times a week for 6 weeks leading up to a trip).

It works for me! ;)

Jack Lai

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Re: GT Strength & Endurance Conditioning
December 02, 2008, 09:13:58 PM
3 times a week in the gym, with 90 mins of weight training only.

3 sets of 10 reps. Arms, shoulders, back and  leg squat with iron more than my body weight.

Peter Morris

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Re: GT Strength & Endurance Conditioning
December 02, 2008, 09:46:48 PM
Ah ha....Now I know why you have been putting your Shimano shirts in the dryer 5 times a week...

You have been hitting the gym and want them skin tight.... :D :D :D

Andy Rowe

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Re: GT Strength & Endurance Conditioning
December 02, 2008, 11:26:29 PM
Colin, thanks for the workout outline.

I tore a rotator cuff in my left shoulder 3 months ago and today was the first upper body exercise I have attempted in that long. I have a 4 day GT trip coming up on the 14th and am in relatively poor shape for it. I'll try these exercises as part of my routine to get everything moving again. Time is short but at least the old frame is ready to go again.

Shoulder injuries are one of the worst, always try and warm up before you get into any half vigorous activity when you've passed the age of being bullet proof....

Set the ray to GeeT

Gordon Low

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Re: GT Strength & Endurance Conditioning
December 03, 2008, 02:20:44 AM
I'd have to agree that shoulder injuries would have to be the worst.... there is no other joint in our body with the range of movement we get in our shoulder but, it comes at a price.

I've got a pretty regular gym routine these days and see a massage therapist once a month to "iron out the creases" and point out any imbalances I'm developing.

I've noticed a great increase in endurance in jigging strength and stamina as well as popping.... though I've had little chance to test this the last few months :-\

 Just getting into the gym and being active makes a huge difference!


Peter Morris

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Re: GT Strength & Endurance Conditioning
December 03, 2008, 08:42:45 AM
Shoulders and BACK pain..... :(

Lifting weights for years has done me the world of good strength wise but over time it takes a toll on your joints etc....I do get some lower back pain which I have had to work on.

Stretching regularly is eqaully important for mobility and flexibility.


Robert Palcak

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Re: GT Strength & Endurance Conditioning
December 03, 2008, 09:45:32 AM
Hi All

This is an area of great interest to me...
I would not class myself as an expert in this feild, but I am a qualified trainer and did work in the fitness feild for a few years.

It's great to hear that so many of you guys give thought to preparing your bodies for the rigors of jigging/popping... this stuff is a little more taxing on your body than casting SP's at bream! ;D Fitness is a broad topic (bit like when you first learnt to fish), if I can help in anyway whatsoever... please feel free to ask.

There are a few areas that I'll just touch on that everyone should be mindful of...
Specificity - Training for something specific. For example, if you are a swimmer, you will train for swimming... it's no different for a fisherman... or even more specific GT fisherman . Sure everyone wants to be fit and looking good, but pay special attention to exercises and movements that will give the right areas of your body the strength to carry out the task.

Rotator cuffs -  As you age, they get thin out and get weaker... it's that simple! If you tear one, you can be out of action for 6 - 24 months (sorry Andy :() Everyone can help prevent this by strengthening them and the surrounding shoulder muscles with the correct exercises.

Make it count - Make every exercise count! I know way too many people that go to the gym almost daily and get very little benefit from what they're doing. Whether you're doing cardio or strength work... do it like you mean it and keep challenging yourself.

Andy Rowe

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Re: GT Strength & Endurance Conditioning
December 03, 2008, 10:47:31 AM

Rotator cuffs -  As you age, they get thin out and get weaker... it's that simple! If you tear one, you can be out of action for 6 - 24 months (sorry Andy :() Everyone can help prevent this by strengthening them and the surrounding shoulder muscles with the correct exercises.

Hi Robert that is bad news, I wonder how far I am really recovered. It is the left shoulder, and I have been playing golf quite comfortably (right handed) even picked up a long drive trophy last week ;D :P. But seriously, I do spend a fair amount of time staying in shape, weights etc, now 42 yo. I wonder how this upcoming trip is going to go down for me. Do you think realistically at my age one could be recovered in 3 months?

Set the ray to GeeT

Robert Palcak

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Re: GT Strength & Endurance Conditioning
December 03, 2008, 11:23:53 AM
Hi Robert that is bad news, I wonder how far I am really recovered.

Andy... dont stress too much... the degree of your injury might not be that severe.

But seriously, I do spend a fair amount of time staying in shape, weights etc, now 42 yo. I wonder how this upcoming trip is going to go down for me.

That would definately work in your favour....
Firstly the injury may not be that severe because your body was prepared and secondly, you will find it easier to recover because your muscular system is atuned to strength movements.
I'm sure you'll be fine for the trip, but if you have any concerns, I'd recommend seeing a sports physio.

Do you think realistically at my age one could be recovered in 3 months?

Tuff call that one... and one in which I'm not really qualified to make.
Although I will say this... Everybody reacts diferently to injury. Also be aware that the reason it can take so long for Rotator Cuffs to repair is because there is a low blood supply to the area.
If you are swinging golf clubs well... you should be ok for a fishing trip. (Swinging a driver uses a very large range of motion in the shoulder area) Once again... it might be an idea to speak to a sports physio.

Andy Rowe

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Re: GT Strength & Endurance Conditioning
December 03, 2008, 12:40:35 PM
Thanks for your comments Robert, the circulation matter is a good point, I'll definitely work on that aspect as well.

Set the ray to GeeT

Jon Li

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Re: GT Strength & Endurance Conditioning
December 03, 2008, 03:32:40 PM
Thanks for your comments Robert, the circulation matter is a good point, I'll definitely work on that aspect as well.

Hi Andy ,

Good luck with your trip to Komodo and I hope you recover in time but I do take Neurobion tablets before and during my fishing trip to strengthen my aging muscles . My turn to Komodo will be next year !

Jon .
It's not what you don't know that gets you into trouble , it's what you know for sure that ain't so . Mark Twain .

Andy Rowe

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Re: GT Strength & Endurance Conditioning
December 03, 2008, 04:20:10 PM
Thanks for your comments Robert, the circulation matter is a good point, I'll definitely work on that aspect as well.

Hi Andy ,

Good luck with your trip to Komodo and I hope you recover in time but I do take Neurobion tablets before and during my fishing trip to strengthen my aging muscles . My turn to Komodo will be next year !

Jon .

Hi Jon,

Location has changed to Alor, a bit more logistics involved in getting there, but I'm hoping that will mean more, bigger, and agressive Gee's. Very looking forward to this.

Thanks for the tip.

I'll let you know how we go.

Set the ray to GeeT